At Central, we are blessed to have a wonderful group of deacons. Like elders, deacons are a special class of functional leaders in the church. We know this because, like elders, the New Testament presents a list of qualifications that must be met before serving as a deacon (I Timothy 3:8-13). Further, the text clarifies that these men must maintain these qualifications to continue in this unique area of service.
The name “deacon” literally means “servant” and suggests that they are assistants who serve under the oversight of the elders/overseers/shepherds and the work of deacons helps elders continue to lead and shepherd the congregation. Their responsibilities are quite varied as they carry out many different types of service, including, but certainly not limited to, ministering to the needy, visiting the sick, caring for the church’s property, and assisting at worship. Presently, we are blessed with nine very conscientious deacons at Central.
Ryan Conn
David Dodd
Widows & Shut-ins
Adult & Youth Education
David Graziano
Building & Grounds
John Losher
Jeff Mabry
Widows & Shut-ins
Matt McDougal
Community Outreach
Hank Pollard
Building & Grounds
Greg Sanderson
Dave Schulte
Elementary Education