Every Christian Involved
At Central, we believe that every Christian should be involved in the church’s mission to share Jesus with the world. Personal evangelism is key to the life and growth of Christ’s church, and we seek to make it a part of who we are at Central. To accomplish that, we provide our guests and our members with materials and opportunities to better know Jesus and to share Jesus.
For our guests, we provide:
- Free materials and Bibles for personal study at our Evangelism Center
- In-person Bible studies
- Online Bible studies through World Bible School
- Mailed correspondence course Bible studies
- Virtual Bible studies through platforms like Zoom
- For information about personal Bible studies, visit this page.
For our members, we provide:
- Periodic, in-house evangelism training
- Opportunities and scholarships to attend various conferences and seminars for training, motivation, and spiritual growth
- Faith-sharing materials and tools through our Evangelism Center
- Opportunities for every member to be involved in evangelism through our Evangelism Teams